Have a fundraiser? Hosting a silent auction or gala? We are more than happy to donate premium personal training packages and other great prizes to help support your cause. Basecamp Fitness is a firm believer in helping to shape the future of the communities in which we live and work. This is one of the many ways in which we work to extend our “because you can” philosophy because we believe that CHALLENGE is the driving force for positive change – exactly what we seek to facilitate. We strive to inspire through leading by example and by sharing the journey with others. In this way we believe that we can empower others to pay it forward so that we can touch the lives of an exponentially greater number of people. Giving back is just part of who we are.
You can be part of the Basecamp Fitness movement without even being a customer! Join our Strava bike and run clubs to participate in our monthly contests where ever you are. Watch our social media feeds for other exciting challenges and contests that invite you to demonstrate what it means to you to be “basecampfit” – there are so many ways to get involved and to be a part of the global community that we are creating.